Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tip #11: Suppress Your Inner Pack Rat

I have tried to figure out why it is that hipsters love layers. Just jeans and a tee is too easy, anyone could have done it. However, whether it's flannels or chunky necklaces a hipster will pile on the love till they resemble some sort of walking/talking thrift store. And I think I know why, we're ALL pack rats! Who else would willingly shop in store that is essentially all junk? Grandpa Milton's sweater vest from the 1950's?! Score! We love getting lots of things and surrounding ourselves with our stuff... whether it be in the cavern of clothes that is my dorm room or on my body.

However, I think herein lies the reason for many a hipster failure. Now you don't need to watch that show Hoarders (despite it really being one of the most compelling dramas on television - PLUS totally ironic because it's reality television on the A&E channel) to know that a pack rat can rarely be swayed to drop their mounds of junk. Sometimes this works for a hipster! Fear not - Columbia and I know how naked hipster's feel without their several layers, patterns, and accessories. Without them it really just feels like you didn't even try to be indie fresh (gasp!). And while we strive for a look that seems disheveled, when you actually put no effort forth you become what all hipsters fear... a really normal looking person.

But, I am failing to get to my point...

Sometimes that need to layer up just takes an outfit one ascot too far. The "hipster dressing theory" starts with a trendy base (for all intensive purposes) outfit and then it is jazzed up so the individual is officially wearing a look that most people wouldn't have the cojones to invent, let alone wear. But sometimes, that little extra is what can either make you or break you. So hipsters, I beg you to calm yourselves! Just take a look in the mirror, ask yourself if at age 13 you would laugh at your own reflection - if the answer is yes... maybe take off the fur cape or take off those lethal stiletto booties. It's getting cold outside and plain ol' boots are better for icy conditions. Think about it, when was the last time your feet were warm?

I think it was Coco Chanel who said before you leave the house look at your outfit in the mirror and take one thing off. Well I am sure Miss Coco never experienced the wonder of Buffalo Exchange's sweater sales, or mixed a handful of different patterns and fabrics that only the bravest of hipsters attempt... But girlfriend's got a point! And I think as far as fashion goes, Chanel isn't a terrible primary source.

So, my tragically hip friends. Take the hint, it's ok to get whimsical with your outfits - but when you look more like a costume (your costume of course being a tool/slightly deranged - take your pick) than a trendy individual. STOP! REWIND! And be practical with yourselves. Your clothes will still be in your closet when you get home, and one of those five necklaces you are wearing would look really good by itself. Maybe tomorrow? C'mon try it out! If you're not doing it for yourself, do it for the rest of us who are tired of getting shit for when you dress like a man-child on LSD, we're not going to be so polite for much longer.

Get it together you pack rats.


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